Let's get started
I'm a UQ studentI'm UQ staff

The UQ Health Care St Lucia clinic is conveniently located right here on campus. You have easy access to excellent care at our medical centre when working or studying at The University of Queensland, St Lucia. You can find us at:

The University of Queensland St Lucia Campus.
Level 1, Gordon Greenwood Building (Blg 32),
St Lucia QLD 4067

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5pm
Weekends & Public Holidays: Closed

Contact us

It is quick and easy to book online using the link below. However, if you need to speak with us please call:

Phone: (07) 3365 6210
or Email: stlucia@uqhealthcare.org.au


Please note: Appointments are only available to UQ’s staff, domestic students, international students, and international students’ dependants. 

Unfortunately we cannot proceed with your appointment if you do not meet the above criteria.